Dude, I worked in banks like you (or for many more years than you, you being a millennial). And I also remember the laughs about people who ‘save’. But I got rid of banking exactly because of this kind of ‘fun’. Of which your article still permeates. I appreciate your attempts to give practical suggestions on asset allocation and your ‘finance for dummies’ approach. But let me tell you one thing: you (and I) belong to the world of 5%s. Out there, there is a whopping 95% of the world population who often fails to make ends meet. And for those, money ‘saved’ is a dream. It represents security — even if strictly speaking, you are right, it should not. It represents the future of their kids. It represents ‘having made it’ in someway. And these people will (and should) always have zero appetite for even the minimised risk that your proposed allocation would expose them to. Until you understand this, and that there are people who belong to this wealth bracket who are going to read your article, you are just patronising, and laughing at them, sitting on top of your wealth together with your bankers friends.